Friday, 19 March 2010


Oh, I both wish I could look like her and I wish I could be doing what she's doing.

This week we used stories at Life Clubs to move ourselves forward. I've had a very busy week - both during the day and at night (exciting). I love going out and ... although I was shattered ... my daughter and I danced the night away last night, so today I'm truly exhausted.

I know, it's Friday and I've got the weekend ahead of me, only I haven't. A lovely friend of mine (who looks more like the pre-Raphaelite lady in the picture than I do) has booked us both in for a course this weekend. I'm sure I shall really enjoy it because I love courses, but it's an 8.15-6.00 course on both Saturday and Sunday and right now I feel all I want to do is spend the weekend in bed.

As a story, that might be a little bit like the red shoes ballet. I feel I'm wearing these red shoes that won't let me stop... not even for a moment.

As a story, how could that end?
...I could cut the shoes off - or maybe even my feet (if I had to)
...I could tie myself down so I couldn't move
...I could blindfold myself so I didn't feel so dizzy
...I could wake up as if I was in a bad dream

Any other ideas... please let me know.

How can that translate into reality?
...Cutting my shoes off could mean that I felt so ill this weekend I couldn't go anyway
...Tying myself down could be going to bed today as soon as my last meeting is over
...Blindfolding myself could mean wearing dark glasses today to protect my tired eyes
...Waking up might mean saying 'No' to the weekend

I think I'll go with tying myself down!!!

Stories are great to help you detach from the problem you have. They give you another perspective on your life.

Have a go and let me know.

Hope you all have a great weekend - are you on a course too?
All best,
PS Book in to Life Clubs weekend courses - they'll be fab.


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