Monday, 4 August 2008

Is Homer the key?

So many people tell me they can’t relax. That they spend nights (and days) worrying about anything and everything – and I know that feeling too.

I sometimes wonder if we should all have Homer Simpson as our role model. Would life be blissful if we could be as much like Homer as possible, happy slobbing out, watching TV, eating and drinking our lives away?

And yet if we take each of Homer’s habits individually they certainly won’t bring us either relaxation or happiness. Slobbing out and watching TV has us berating ourselves for procrastinating and not getting on with our lives and feeling grumpy and unfulfilled.

Eating too much makes us hate ourselves too. The weight piles on and we slip into a habit of self-loathing and eating our sorrows away with yet more food. And then drink. I spoke to someone the other day who had spent hundreds of pounds on alcohol the other weekend and he didn’t feel good about himself either. What kind of relaxing is that when you have to become oblivious in order to feel alive?

Pure relaxing is when you don’t need to spend money or feel guilty. When you can unwind and de-stress doing things for pleasure that make you feel good afterwards and for a long time afterwards, rather than guilty and depressed.
I’ve spent a wonderfully relaxed weekend, swimming in the sea and reading art books. Both got me totally into the present and no longer worrying about past or future.

So, move over Homer, I want the sofa so I can lie down and read my book.

See you soon,
Founder Life Clubs


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