Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Not sure about licking your nose...

I feel I've gone slightly animal on you all, but next week's workshop is about body language and this photo I took of a cow in Dorset seemed to me to be just the kind of body language that might put you off wanting to get to know someone.

Even when we don't think about it, there are so many things we know not to do. From licking your nose on, we're already pretty aware of what works and what doesn't. And yet there are so many more things to think about that we do unconsciously.

Do you know what impression you give someone when you first meet? Do you know your body strengths and how you could play on them?

Most of what we communicate we do through our body and facial expressions, so it's good to know as much as possible about how you come across and what you could do to enhance that first impression.

Come along to Life Clubs next week and discover your body - you can tell that cow hasn't yet been.
See you there,
Founder Life Clubs


ROB said...

I love this topic!!!!! First impressions are HUGE! And most of the time we completely overlook that area of our lives! I wonder what message I am sending! Thanks Nina, youve really made me think! Rob x

Life Clubs said...

Hi Rob,
Thanks for your comment. Glad I made you think.
I'd say you look pretty confident in your photo - maybe hiding a little behind glasses and beard? What would you say?

ROB said...

I think you are on the button!!!!!! I'm gonna put up a new photo now :o)
Rob x

Life Clubs said...

That's great - only you could be bigger... still hiding??

ROB said...

LOL! Nina! You must know that I love a challenge :o)

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