Thursday, 10 April 2008

What a waste of energy!

I found this very thought-provoking! We discussed what clutter actually is, and we came up with:

Clutter is all the stuff that doesn't help you.

That really brought home to me how much energy I waste in hanging onto stuff. Going into a cluttered place really is tiring - you don't want to do any work there, you can't relax there either. This reminded me of something I really already knew - the hard work is not in doing the task, but in NOT doing the task. A lot of clutter is undone tasks.

Another thing that struck home was how clutter can be a very useful barrier against actually getting on with the life you really want. I wonder - if I emptied my inbox, cleared my to-do list and tidied my desk, what would be possible then?

For one thing, maybe I'd start posting on the Life Clubs blog again...

Mark Lister

Edinburgh Life Club


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