Sunday, 13 May 2007

Visualising isn't fattening

Someone very skinny told me the other day that her method of losing weight and remaining wonderfully svelte was to just wait until she visualised the food she wanted to eat in front of her before eating anything.

Now that's a good idea. Since she passed on this little tip, I've been realising how rarely I wait until I actually visualise food, I just eat it even if I'm not hungry. I actually find thinking about what I really want to eat extremely difficult. I tend to just eat what's there.

So, this week, I'm going to wait until I can see my craving in front of me before I start eating anything.

I wonder where it will lead me - steak for breakfast? muesli for lunch? chocolate mousse for supper?

Life Clubs is all about indulgences this week - could be sleeping (too many duvet days), drinking, smoking, working, working out or any other excesses - I'm looking forward to hearing what other hints I'm going to get.

See you there,


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