Sunday, 15 July 2007

All change!

There's all sorts of things that stop us taking on the changes we really want in our lives. Change can be challenging or scary for many reasons, but when we finally take it on, we rarely regret it. This is what we're exploring in this week's Life Clubs.

Change can be thrust upon us, and therefore seem traumatic, unexpected, unpleasant. What's intriguing is that the other sort - change we decide we want - can seem just as horrible, or even more so, even if it's very clear that the change is all cons and no pros. Three years ago I was still a smoker, and had wanted to stop for some time. I drew up a pros and cons list - the cons list was huge, and I couldn't think of a SINGLE thing to put on the pros. And yet, the thought of changing was still really uncomfortable. (That's what REALLY keeps people smoking, by the way - the physical addiction's over in no time.)

It's got a lot to do with the Limiting Beliefs we looked at last week. In the Edinburgh Life Club, someone raised the interesting question 'How do you spot limiting beliefs?' One answer is 'By initiating change.' They'll appear right in your sights, between you and your objective.

And yes, that means if you deal with a limiting belief to make one change, that belief will also stop being so in the way of another. So change enables change. Win win.

Have a different week!

Mark Lister
Edinburgh Life Club


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