Thursday, 26 July 2007

Friends will be Friends

So, I got in the car to drive to my Life Club yesturday, and turned on the radio to 'Friends will be friends', by Queen from the sound of it, which luckily prompted me to mentally go through the evening ahead and then realise I had left all my notes at home!

Also luckily, I had left more than enough time to get to the venue, so all was well.

It was really interesting to look at why we have certain people in our lives and why we find it hard to let go of certain people. It was REALLY nice to think about all the people that lift us, and what it is we like about them so much.

Talking of friends, I have my close friend staying with me at the moment as she is in London doing a voice course. This is a friendship that started at college and has continued to grow and develop into this relationship that I cherish so much, and feel so blessed to have.

So I'm off to enjoy some quality hanging out time with my friend.

Vanessa x


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